Cell phones have made our lives a lot easier. However, their technology has also made claims handling and verification a lot easier too. While a person may not know it, their cell phone is tracking them 24 hours a day. If you have a suspicious claim that you need to verify a person’s whereabouts at the time of loss, let YourSIU.com go and conduct a recorded statement with them in person. We will request permission to inspect their phone and verify all history of their comings and goings around the time of loss. This can also be used to confirm dates of treatment and length of time at a clinic. We can not force a person to show us their phone, but if your policy has a “duty to cooperate” you may be able to reserve your rights for a Duty to cooperate, and then we can inspect the phone. Yoursiu.com recommends allowing this inspection to happen organically during an in-person recorded statement so as not to tip off the information you will be looking for and risk it being deleted.
In-Person Recorded Statement / Cell phone inspection $500